All normal people watch TV. Non-normal people don't have TVs. People who are REALLY not normal will cancel plans, lock their bedroom door, and watch 16 hours of a TV show on Netflix while eating nothing but a few chocolate-covered Oreos throughout the day so they don't have to leave their bed. I'm just assuming there are people like this, I'm DEFINITELY not speaking from experience. But basically what I'm trying to get across is that I have watched many TV Shows. So if a show is on this list, then I thoroughly enjoy it and recommend everyone watches it immediately. Additionally, I have not seen every single TV Show there ever was, I'm not insane. I do other things too (I also watch movies). So if you see one of your favorites like The West Wing or Archer or everyone's precious Scandal, know that I have not seen it or I am just starting it. Or I just don't like it (I'm looking at you The Big Bang Theory). Or it doesn't exist. I should have known that Celebrity Ninja Warrior hosted by Steve Buscemi is something only possible in my dreams. So enjoy the list, let me know how wrong I am, and tell me what some of your favorite shows are.
In All Seriousness:
Alright before I get to the actual entries on the list, here are a few honorable mentions: They didn't make the list because they are newer shows so I didn't feel I could put them on an all-time list yet (True Detective, House of Cards), or they were shows that I've liked for a long time, but couldn't squeeze in (The Daily Show/The Colbert Report, House, Everybody Loves Raymond, Friends), or I haven't finished watching yet (Community, Deadwood, Modern Family).
20. Dexter (2006-2013, 8 Seasons)
Network: Showtime
Dexter was almost left off the list. We have a bit of a rocky relationship. For the first 4 seasons, this was my favorite show on television. For the last 4 seasons, it was NOT that. I don't know what happened with the writing, but it got a little ridiculous. And the ending was not satisfying at all. But man those first 4 seasons are good.
19. Eastbound and Down (2009-2010, 2012-2013, 4 Seasons)
Network: HBO
I think Danny McBride is hilarious. I find him funny in everything he's in, and Eastbound is no exception. Everything in this show is so ridiculous, but it had me cracking up for all 4 of it's seasons. You can tell that they were allowed a lot of flexibility on this show, which is something I like a lot.
18. Justified (2010-present, 5 Seasons with 6 on the way)
Network: FX
Justified started off as a pretty good show, with cool characters every week. When the second season came around and the show focused less on new stories each week, and more on longer story arcs that last several episodes or even the whole season, that's when it got really good. Great acting, and some really great writing. The banter between Raylan and Boyd is some of the best dialogue on television.
17. Louie (2010-2012, 2014-present, 4 seasons with possible 5th on the way)
Network: FX
Louis CK is a creative genius. He makes one of the best shows currently on television. It is technically a comedy and has some parts that will make you laugh until it hurts. But it's hard to call it strictly a comedy, because there are a lot of moments and even episodes that aren't that funny, but are just good stories that are enjoyable to watch. Louie isn't a comedy, it's a show. And it's really good.
16. Mad Men (2007-2015, 7 seasons with pt. 2 of season 7 coming in 2015)
Network: AMC
Mad Men is not for everyone. It's very melodramatic, and it's not as flashy and action-packed as a lot of shows on TV. But somehow the writers are able to create a show that is intense, funny, and emotional at the same time. Also I gotta hand it to them for somehow writing very few (if any) likable characters, but making us root for them and enjoy seeing them anyway.
15. Parks and Recreation (2009-2015, 6 seasons with a 7th in 2015)
Network: NBC
Ironically, Parks and Recreation is the next show on the list and it does the opposite of what Mad Men does. Most (if not all) of the characters are lovable. They are all hilarious and unique, and they make this show about what I'm guessing is a really boring workplace, really entertaining. The writing is really smart and funny. The acting is great. It's easily one of the most snubbed shows at the Emmys each year.
14. Survivor (2000-present, 28 seasons, 29th season on the way)
Network: CBS
Yes, 28 seasons and I'm still watching this show. Something about a bunch of strangers in the jungle competing in games and trying to vote people out is so appealing to me. The strategy and endurance involved in the game is just really cool. I will continue to watch this show until they stop making seasons. And it would be awesome to be on it. But first I have to get around to making an audition tape.
13. Entourage (2004-2011, 8 seasons and a movie in production)
Network: HBO
For most guys, Entourage is the show we watch and admire the life we would love to have, but probably will never have. Vince and the gang have great chemistry, and Jeremy Piven is the best he'll ever be as Ari Gold. I'll forgive the lame series ending because of the movie. Also the show is loosely based on producer Mark Wahlberg and his "entourage", so that's really cool.
12. Twin Peaks (1990-1991, 2 seasons)
Network: ABC
Twin Peaks is just as weird and awesome as David Lynch's films. Twin Peaks has a variety of cool, interesting characters and story lines that make this show a great watch for any Lynch fan. Agent Cooper became one of my favorite TV characters of all-time, and Audrey Horne is definitely one of my biggest tv character crushes. Even if you're not a fan of Lynch I'd still say give the pilot a shot and see if you like it. It's a one-of-a-kind show that I don't think people should pass on. I wish David Lynch and Mark Frost were able to make more than just 2 seasons.
11. The Wire (2002-2004, 2006, 2008, 5 Seasons)
Network: HBO
The primary story in this show is between the cops and drug dealers of Baltimore. But the entire show touches upon nearly every aspect of living in a city from the school system to the local newspaper. It's a realistic portrayal of a city's community. The main thing I've been talking about in this post are well-written characters, and The Wire has some of the best.
10. Saturday Night Live (1975-present, 39 seasons with a 40th on it's way)
Network: NBC
SNL is one of the most influential shows on television. Lorne Michaels created a starting place for some of the biggest comedic figures of the last 40 years. Boasting alumni like Bill Murray, Eddie Murphy, Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Jimmy Fallon, Kristen Wiig, etc. it's impossible to argue SNL's legacy. Everyone has their favorite era, and a lot of people will say that the current era is horrible. These people probably don't watch the show, because some of the stuff they've produced in recent years is really good stuff. SNL remains one of the staples of today's comedy world, and I don't see things changing anytime soon.
9. The Simpsons (1989-present, 25 seasons with a 26th on it's way)
Network: FOX
Another show with a legacy unmatched by most other shows. The Simpsons is not only the longest running animated TV show, but it's also spawned a successful movie, MANY video games (The Simpsons Hit and Run is one of my favorite games of all-time), board games, and tons of other merchandise. Also without it's success, there wouldn't be shows like Family Guy, South Park, Futurama, etc. The Simpsons is important, and while I never thought it was laugh-out-loud funny all the time, it has always been really entertaining. The show has always been great at storytelling, and there are episodes that will have a place in my heart for the rest of my life.
8. Game of Thrones (2011-present, 4 seasons a 5th coming next year)
Network: HBO
There is a reason this show is becoming unbelievably popular. Because it's so good, and getting even better. The creators must be doing something right, because each week they rip my heart out of my chest and then treat it like the Dothraki treat horse hearts, but the next week I come back for more. If you're not already watching Game of Thrones, you need to get yourself an HBO membership or not be too young, because you're missing out on some real good television.
7. Lost (2004-2010, 6 seasons)
Network: ABC
Again a show with some really memorable characters. I even named my dog after one of them (Sawyer). It's known as the show with so many plot twists and turns, and questions to be answered with each episode. The writers even admitted that they made it up as they went along. They didn't really have any idea where they were going. Despite this, it was thrilling from the incredible pilot to the finale.
6. Arrested Development (2003-2006, 2014-?, 4 seasons with maybe more or a movie to come?
Network: FOX/Netflix
Pretty widely considered as THE show that got cancelled way too early. so much so that it was brought back 8 years later with another great season. Some of the best writing that rewards you for re-watching the show multiple times with jokes that you might not have caught at first glance. Great acting from an underrated cast. One of the best comedies of all-time.
5. How I Met Your Mother (2005-2014, 9 seasons)
Network: CBS
This show is really important to me, as is evident in my
love note to the show. These characters are really important to me. I started watching the show at a place in my life where these kind of stories became interesting to me, and I stuck with it to the end. It became one of my most watched shows of all-time. This show is filled with moments that make me laugh, and there are some that hit me right in the heart. The end of this show made me tear up for the first time because of a TV show and it'll always be one of my favorites.
4. The Sopranos (1999-2007, 6 Seasons)
Network: HBO
Great writing and great characters are what draw people to shows, and keep them watching. The Sopranos had us rooting for a mobster who killed people, stole, cheats on his wife, and other horrible things. We root for this guy, because while he is a mobster he still has qualities that everyday people have. We relate to him, and we don't feel as bad for rooting for this guy. This was so rare for television at the time, and without the success of this show (and Tony Soprano played by the late and great James Gandolfini) there would not be a bunch of other shows I like with an anti-hero such as Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, and Mad Men.
3. The Office [US] (2005-2013, 9 seasons)
Network: NBC
In my opinion, one of the funniest shows to ever be on TV. Steve Carell is one of my favorite comedic actors because of this show. The entire cast has incredible chemistry, and they make a show about a paper company hilarious. My favorite shows will be ones I can come back to and re-watch. The Office is and will always be a show I can come back to for the rest of my life.
2. Breaking Bad (2008-2013, 5 Seasons)
Network: AMC
This is how a television show should be made. Each season tops the one before it. And then it goes out while it's on top. Bryan Cranston does incredible work here, and it made him even more successful than he was from his Malcolm in the Middle days. And Aaron Paul went from unknown to star in a few years. Vince Gilligan and the rest of his writers created one of the smartest, and most intense shows of all-time. I can't wait for the Breaking Bad Collector's set to not be 400 dollars.
1. Whose Line Is It Anyway? [US] (1998-2006, 2013-present, 10 seasons with more possible)
Network: ABC/CW
Improv comedy has always been one of my favorite things. The Whose Line gang is incredible at it, and makes me laugh more than most things on this planet. I can quote it more than any other show, and I was so happy when they decided to bring it back. Even without Drew it's still nice to see Colin and Ryan together again. I can and do watch Whose Line any time of the day, when I'm in any mood. And this is why it's my favorite show of all-time.
-Ryan Moncrief