

Sunday, July 19, 2015

10 Documentaries to Watch on Netflix

Documentaries are great.  They're shorter than fictional films (for the most part), they're real stories (for the most part), and they make us realize how horrible we are as people (for the most part).  After recently noticing that some of my friends, family, and enemies are becoming increasingly interested in documentaries, I decided it would be a good idea to share some of my favorites that are also viewable on Netflix.

In All Seriousness:

(These are in no specific order, just a list of 10)

1. A Few Documentary Series

Because I can never make these lists without cheating somehow, here is the sole cheat entry on the list.  In this slot I'd like to recommend ESPN's 30 for 30 series, Cosmos, The Story of Film: An Odyssey, and Planet Earth.  These are 4 very different documentary series that I enjoy quite a bit.  ESPN's 30 for 30 series is nearing the end of it's second season, and for those who are unaware of the greatness that is 30 for 30, it is a sport's documentary series presented by ESPN films, and they have released upwards of 70 sports-related documentaries that can be found (for the most part) on Netflix.  They also have made more than 30 shorts about various sports events/figures/etc, that can be found online.  I'll recommend Survive and Advance as my favorite of the 30 for 30 docs, but I would have felt bad not suggesting watching all or as many of these as you can.  Maybe in the future I'll have a ranking of my favorites from this series, but for now you're on your own.

The other series that I recommend are Cosmos, which is Neil Degrasse Tyson's reboot of the science series of the same name from the 80's.  He uses beautifully animated graphics, and narration straight from his vast knowledge of science.  The Story of Film: An Odyssey is similar in it's story telling, the history of film is told through narration by film historian/critic Mark Cousins, and through use of film clips (some popular and some that even the most avid filmgoer has never seen before).  And lastly, Planet Earth is a great series that showcases wildlife in every corner of our home, from the arctic to the rainforest to the deepest parts of the ocean, pretty much everything is touched upon, and yet there is still so much that hasn't been.  These documentaries are geared towards four separate interests (sports, science, film, and nature), and while the more curious of us who want to learn about everything should seek out all 4 series, they may not all be for you, so start with what you find interesting and work from there.

2. Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010)

Exit Through the Gift Shop takes a look at the mysterious world of street/graffiti artists.  It starts off with a man traveling around with and film famous artist Shephard Fairey, and then eventually with the anonymous Banksy, who then turns it around on the guy.  Anyone who's even remotely curious about how street art is made should make this the next documentary they see.  Filled with some really interesting people, and a particularly exciting segment at Disney World, I can not recommend this film (which I've stated is my favorite documentary) enough.

3. Man on Wire (2008)

This thrilling documentary, set-up kind of like a heist film, is about Philippe Petit (a french tightrope walker), and his plan to break onto the roof of one of the Twin Towers to tightrope walk from one to the other.  With first hand accounts from Petit himself and the crew who helped him accomplish this feat, along with re-enactments and actual footage from the "artistic crime of the century", you get placed right in the middle of all the chaos.  The story is so exciting that it's being made into a non-documentary film starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Petit.

4. The Act of Killing (2013)

What is probably the most critically-acclaimed documentary of two years ago, director Joshua Oppenheimer asks Indonesian death-squad leaders to create short films based on the mass-killings that they performed during an Indonesian genocide years ago.  At times hard to stomach for the viewer and even occasionally the death-squad leader subjects of the film, The Act of Killing is one of the most creative documentaries to be released in recent years.  If you wind up liking it, keep an eye out for the not-exactly-a-sequel, counterpart documentary to this that was just released this week, called The Look of Silence.  It's also by Joshua Oppenheimer, and about a family that survived the genocide and confronts the men who killed their brother.

5. Stories We Tell (2013)

In Stories We Tell, actor/writer/director Sarah Polley asks various members of her family as well as close friends to tell stories about Sarah's mother, who is deceased.  She seeks to uncover the truth about her mother, but that can be difficult when your family's stories start to not line up.  Polley, makes her quest for the truth, both entertaining and at times saddening.  A great story(ies) told by a family of storytellers.

6. The Imposter (2012)

This film is insane.  It's about a french man who pretends to be the missing son of a Texas family.  Beautifully filmed with re-enactments and talking head accounts from the family, and the imposter himself.  Without getting into too much of the plot, all I can say really is that the film digs a lot deeper than just this one case of him pretending to be this family's child, and by the end you're not gonna know who's side your on, or if there even is a side to be on.

7. Grizzly Man (2005)

Timothy Treadwell, the Grizzly Man who is the subject of this documentary, lived among grizzly bears for several consecutive summers in Alaska until he was killed by one in 2003.  The film documents his life as a grizzly bear activist, with Survivorman-esque footage shot by Treadwell himself over the years.  Director Werner Herzog carefully, and magnificently pieces together the right footage from the hours of footage recorded, in order to portray Treadwell as a complex human being, and not just a crazy guy living with bears.

8. The Thin Blue Line (1988)

This documentary was famously rejected from the Best Documentary category at the Oscars, because of it's use of scripted re-enactments.  This was the first time that these were used in a documentary about crimes, and started what you would later see in countless documentary and true crime tv shows later on.  This is documentary goes very in depth into this case of the murder of a cop, bringing in pretty much every one involved with the case, and giving really greatly film reenactments, and edited brilliantly.  Most crime documentaries that you have seen in your life, owe a lot to this one right here.

9. Hoop Dreams (1994)

This story of two inner-city Chicago African-American boys, following them through their journey as high school basketball players with dreams of making it into college and then the NBA, can be both heart-breaking and uplifting.  At nearly three hours, Hoop Dreams takes the time to touch upon several key moments in these two kids lives as high schoolers.  Whether it is injuries, getting good grades, or family problems, director Steve James shows us every struggle these boys have had to face realistically, without diving into the sea of sports movie clichés that he easily could have filled this movie with by interfering.  Like The Thin Blue Line was the godfather of crime documentaries, Hoop Dreams is the godfather of sports documentaries.

10. Life Itself (2014)

Director Steve James who I just talked about in the previous entry, also directed this touching portrait of the most famous film critic to ever put pen to paper, Roger Ebert.  James explores Ebert's life leading up to adulthood, and then his career as a film critic, leading up to the painful-to-watch last months of his life.  Ebert was an interesting man, and a brilliant film critic, and it's proved time and time again in this film.  A must-watch for any film fan.

Well those are 10 documentaries for you to watch on Netflix, but there an unbelievable amount of docs available on instant streaming, so let me know if there are any others you think are worth me giving a watch and maybe they'll be on a list like this in the future.


Saturday, July 11, 2015

Career Review: Quentin Tarantino

Grab a Big Kahuna burger, blast K-Billy's Sounds of the Seventies, and enjoy this review of the career of Quentin Tarantino.  With The Hateful Eight being released later on this year, and me wanting to review the exact opposite of Pixar (my last Career Review), and the fact that he has only directed 8 feature films (although the poster for The Hateful Eight says that is his 8th film, which I guess means he considers Kill Bill one movie, but I don't, so he's made 8.), I decided Tarantino would be the best choice for the next Career Review.

In All Seriousness:

Quentin Tarantino's films:

Reservoir Dogs (1992)

It's not Tarantino's best film, but the most important film in his catalogue of films is his cool-as-the-other-side-of-the-pillow debut.  For as much criticism that Tarantino gets for imitating aspects of films he has a fondness for, this film along with Pulp Fiction after it has been influential on countless films.  Regarded as one of the greatest independent films to ever be made, it's success has inspired independent filmmakers to make films as well as studios to take the risk of releasing those films.  It's success can be attributed to the snappy writing, the quality acting, and the overall coolness of the film.  Many of the motifs (trunk shot, talking in a diner/restaurant, use of popular music, slow-mo shots, etc.) that Tarantino would go on to use throughout his career can be seen in their first appearances in Reservoir Dogs.

Rating (out of 5 stars): ****1/2
Favorite Performer: Steve Buscemi as Mr. Pink
Favorite Scene: Opening diner scene

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Pulp Fiction I think is Tarantino's most fun movie.  Not a scene or word of dialogue is wasted.  It's exciting during every minute of this film.  Each actor in the film gives arguably the performance of their careers.  I think the true longevity of this film is proven by the fact that my favorite scene and performer usually changes each time I watch it. And it's really just one of the most quotable movies out there, and if that ain't Kool and the Gang, then I don't know what is.

Rating (out of 5 stars): *****
Favorite Performer: Samuel L. Jackson as Jules
Favorite Scene: The Bonnie Situation

Jackie Brown (1997)

I watched this movie for the first time almost three years ago, I was very on the fence about it.  Upon re-watching it for this blog post, I realized it's brilliance.  It has elements of a Tarantino film sprinkled throughout for sure, but it's definitely the oddball of his canon, being the only of his films that's adapted from a novel.  Tarantino favorite Samuel L. Jackson gives another great performance here, Pam Grier is cool and perfectly cast (because he wrote the role for her), Robert Forrester is wonderful and deserving of his Oscar nomination, but it's Robert De Niro's stoner who really won me over.  The subtlety of his performance and the moments of him that Tarantino shows are hilarious, and the brightest spot of this very good film.  

Rating (out of 5 stars): ****
Favorite Performer: Robert De Niro as Lewis
Favorite Scene: The real money swap

Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003)

Kill Bill Vol. 1 is incredibly entertaining, and that's primarily owed to the brilliant choreography and editing of each and every second of these fight scenes.  Tarantino's choice of music, and his quirky dialogue is a lot more fun than I remembered.  The animated sequence and the crazy 88 fight and fight with O-Ren are among my favorite scenes of the entirety of Tarantino's filmography, and they are all packed into volume 1, which is why...

Rating (out of 5 stars): ****1/2
Favorite Performer: Lucy Liu as O-Ren Ishii
Favorite Scene: Crazy 88 Battle or the anime section.

Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004)

... I'm not as big into Vol 2., as against the grain as that might be.  It has a lot of great moments, for example the training with Pai Mei, and the entire last 30 minutes.  However, the rest of the film is less exciting to me than the purely entertaining and intense Vol 1.  Also of all of the violence that is scattered throughout all of Quentin Tarantino's films, the only instance of it that I can never watch it the eyeball squishing scene.  Eye stuff grosses me out.

Rating (out of 5 stars): ***1/2
Favorite Performer: Uma Thurman as Beatrix Kiddo
Favorite Scene: The training with Pai Mei

Death Proof (2007)

Even Tarantino has acknowledged the fact that this is his worst film.  It's a bit of a fun little experiment to try and capture the look and feel of Grindhouse films for his dual-film collaboration with Robert Rodriguez called Grindhouse.  Kurt Russell brings a nice enthusiasm, and some of "The Girls" give pretty good performances, but that's the best I can say about the film.  It's a fun experiment with some enthusiasm.  This was my second time seeing this film, and I'm not sure if there will be a third time, at least not for a very long time.

Rating (out of 5 stars): **
Favorite Performer: Kurt Russell as Stuntman Mike
Favorite Scene: The end chase.

Inglorious Basterds (2009)

Oddly enough, this was the first Tarantino film I ever saw.  It was around the time where I was first starting to be allowed to watch rated-r movies, and I got this on blu-ray hoping it would be interesting, and it blew me away.  I had never seen a movie before this that mixed english and foreign languages, had longs scenes with tons talking, and jumped around with timelines a little bit.  Then I watched this film and became interested in the person who made it, which led me to Pulp Fiction and then Reservoir Dogs afterwards.  So this film means a lot to me in terms of introducing me to Tarantino.  I also think this movie has the best writing of his career (slightly edging out Pulp Fiction), and a great ensemble cast of actors who would later become much more famous (Christoph Waltz, Michael Fassbender, Daniel Bruhl, etc.).

Rating (out of 5 stars): *****
Favorite Performer: Brad Pitt as Lt. Aldo Raine
Favorite Scene: The basement bar scene.

Django Unchained (2012)

Django Unchained and it's countless references to the Western genre's classic make this a very enjoyable watch for me.  It's a genre I probably admire more than most, and Tarantino's take on it is very fun.  The soundtrack has been frequently played on my iPhone, and Tarantino achieves his best-looking film with Django.  The only thing keeping this movie from being on the same level as a Pulp Fiction or an Inglorious Basterds is that it is a little too long.  At 2 hours and 45 minutes, it can be slower at times than I want it to be.  Also the mandingo fighting scene is another one that's hard for me to watch (again, I can't do eye stuff).

Rating (out of 5 stars): ****
Favorite Performer: Leonardo DiCaprio as Calvin Candie (Favorite small performance: Don Johnson as Big Daddy)
Favorite Scene: The raid on the dentist wagon.


The films of Quentin Tarantino seem to be either loved or hated by anyone who has seen them.  There is rarely, if ever a middle ground.  Some, like myself, enjoy the hyper-stylized, dialogue-heavy, shockingly-violent, sometimes pretentious work of the director.  Many others believe he is overrated, and don't like him for those reasons.  Others might like him or not like him for a variety of different reasons (for example: they hate feet).  The one thing I'm sure of, is that I like his films.  I eat up all of the dialogue, I think the characters he writes and the music choices he makes are cool as hell, and I'm always excited when I hear about his latest project.  He has stayed pretty consistently good throughout his career, with one blip.  Besides that, his movies are pretty easy to lend multiple viewings to, and will receive multiple viewings from me for as long as I'm watching movies.

Side Note: For anyone who is interested, although I didn't include them on this list, Tarantino directed a portion of the film Four Rooms, and also wrote the movies True Romance, From Dusk Till Dawn, and conceived the story for Oliver Stone's Natural Born Killers.

Final Ranking:

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Inglorious Basterds
3. Reservoir Dogs
4. Kill Bill Vol. 1
5. Django Unchained
6. Jackie Brown
7. Kill Bill Vol. 2
8. Death Proof

Keep and eye out for the next Career Review, which will be a look at either Stanley Kubrick or David Lynch's careers.  I haven't decided yet, but if you would like to help me decide, please let me know in the comments.
