

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Netflix Pick of the Week #9: Short Term 12

This blog has been running for months and I'm on Week 9 of Netflix picks.  Nice job Ryan.  I'm going to try to make these more weekly rather than couple-of-monthsly.

Short Term 12 (2013)

Starring: That Girl I've seen in things, That guy who's in The Newsroom, That guy who looks familiar, a bunch of kids
Premise: A group of 20-something year olds work at a residential treatment facility and help you realize that you don't want to have kids yet.
Quote: "Yeah, I see that he's wearing an American Flag cape, but does no one else notice how tiny his nipples are?" - Grace (Brie Larson)
One Sentence Review: You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll have a sudden craving for cupcakes.

In All Seriousness:

I'm really happy that this movie was put on Netflix, because it was my third favorite film from last year, and no one has seen it.  Now that it's readily available to every Netflix user (and anyone who uses their friend's account), I hope that more people will watch it.  Brie Larson, who you probably recognize from movies like 21 Jump Street and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, shows that she's got some really solid dramatic acting chops.  Expect to see her name a lot in the future.  And if you watch HBO's The Newsroom (which you should if you don't already), you know that John Gallagher Jr. can act.  And he proves that even further here.  Short Term 12 touches on a few serious subjects, but still keeps it light enough so that the audience can laugh, and not go into an immediate deep depression.  That being said, there are parts that will pull on those heart strings of yours, so much so that I got a little choked up a few times during this film.  So in conclusion, if you're looking for a movie to watch this weekend, here it is.  And if you watch it, please let me know what you think.

~Ryan Moncrief

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