

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Playlist of the Week #4: Beginning of Summer Edition

Summer break has started for most colleges, it is starting up for high school soon, and what else is there to do during the summer other than read my blog and listen to music.  So here is a playlist for anyone bored this summer looking to listen to a few summer jams.  This playlist is not for adults that aren't going to be on any sort of break.  Go to your jobs so the rest of us can have fun, you don't get to listen to music!

1. 'Change Your Life' by Iggy Azalea feat. T.I.

You should listen to it because: You're thinking about how the biggest name in rap at the moment is a white girl from Australia.

2. 'Heroes' by David Bowie

You should listen to it because: You're driving around alone on a summer night with your windows down and self-esteem also very down.

3. 'Skeleton' by The Front Bottoms

You should listen to it because: You're skating on roller blades down the boardwalk with a jukebox on your shoulder.  Don't ask me why that's what this song makes me think of, it just does.

4. 'Forever' by HAIM

You should listen to it because: You're at the beach.  This is gonna be y'alls beach song this summer.  Unless you live in the middle of the US, then I don't know?  A river?  Move to a coast.

5. 'Walk of Life' by Dire Straits

You should listen to it because: You need a song to put in your end of the summer photo montage or flipagram if people are still doing those.

6. 'Ain't It Fun' by Paramore

You should listen to it because: It's one of the few songs that's popular on the radio right now that you don't have to be embarrassed about.  Unless you're a dude.  But I don't care I love it.

7. 'America The Beautiful' by Ray Charles

You should listen to it because: In America you can go watch people hit balls with big pieces of wood while you're eating a meat stick that's covered in cheese, sauerkraut, relish, mustard, ketchup, onions, and chili.  So be proud of that (if you live in America, otherwise skip ahead).

8. 'Crimson and Clover' by Tommy James and the Shondells

You should listen to it because: It'll make you feel like you're at a beach party in a 1960's movie.

9. 'Freedom' by Rage Against the Machine

You should listen to it because: You're so happy about being free from school work that it makes you just really angry and intense.  Go ahead, punch some things.

10. 'Grown Up' by Danny Brown

You should listen to it because: You're winding down with your friends at the end of a party and you're doing all of your drugs that you have.

In All Seriousness:

1. 'Change Your Life'

2. 'Heroes'

3. 'Skeleton'

4. 'Forever'

5. 'Walk of Life'

6. 'Ain't It Fun'

7. 'America the Beautiful'

8. 'Crimson and Clover'

9. 'Freedom'

10. 'Grown Up'

~Ryan Moncrief

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